domingo, 8 de maio de 2011

1ª Lista de Exercícios_9ºsanos_Ingles_2ºbim_2011



1.      What´s happening at the moment? Write true sentences:

(I/eat) _____________________________________________________________

(It/rain) _____________________________________________________________

(I/wash my car) _________________________________________________________

(I/read/a book) __________________________________________________________

2.      Now, make questions:

(you/watch/TV?) _______________________________________________________

(you/write/ a letter?) _____________________________________________________

(Why/you//run?) ________________________________________________________

3.      Escreva as frases na negativa:

1)      I am writing from New York.
2)      We are watching the opera.
3)      They are playing tennis.


4.      As sentenças seguintes estão no “Simple Present”. Passe-as para o passado na negativa complementando-as com termos como “last night”, yesterday, etc:

1)      She doesn´t smoke.
2)      He doesn´t work.
3)      They don´t recognize me

5.      Agora passe as interrogativas para o passado:

1)      Does she watch TV every night?
2)      Do they study on Sundays?
3)      Does the movie start at nine?
4)      Do you visit them every year?

6.      Complete as sentenças com o verbo principal na negativa:

1)      I saw Johan but I                       Mary.
2)      Jack did French at school but he                    German.
3)      She had a pen but she                   a paper.
4)      We went to the shop but we                  to the bank.


7.      Acrescente às frases a forma adequada dos verbos entre parênteses:

1) I          lessons. The teacher             lessons, too. (to give)
2) We           in a school. Do Socrates             in a hospital? (to work)
3) You        exercises every day. That girl           exercises, too. (to do)
4) Those men              history. Miss Williams             English. (to teach)
5)They           there. My brother            here. (to study)

8.      Escreva a forma negativa do presente simples:

1)      I play the piano very well.
2)      Jack plays the guitar very well.
3)      You know the answer.
4)      She works very hard.
5)      They do the same thing every day.

9.      Escreva questões com “Do/Does”:

1)      I work hard. And you?
2)      I smoke. And your father?
3)      I speak German. And your friends?
4)      I want to be famous. And you?
5)      I like hot weather. And you?

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