domingo, 17 de julho de 2011

Texto teórico e 1ª Lista de Exercícios_Inglês_8ºano_Junho_2011


Afirmativa                            Negativa                                    Interrogativa

I am          (I´m)                    I am not                                       am I?
you are     (you´re)               you are not        (you aren´t)        are you?
he is          (he´s)                  he is not             (he isn´t)            is he?
she is         (she´s)                she is not            (she isn´t)          is she?
it is            (it´s)                   it is not               (it isn´t)              is it?
we are       (we´re)               we are not           (we aren´t)         are we?
you are      (you´re)              you are not         (you aren´t)        are you?
they are      (they´re)            they are not         (they aren´t)      are they?


Afirmativa                     Negativa                                       Interrogativa

I was                              I was not             (I wasn´t)                was I?
      you were                        you were not       (you weren´t)         were you?
      he was                            he was not          (he wasn´t)              was he?
      she was                           she was not        (she wasn´t)            was she?
      it was                              it was not           (it wasn´t)                was it?
      we were                          we were not       (we weren´t)            were we?
      you were                         you were not      (you weren´t)          were you?
      they were                        they were not     (they weren´t)          were they?


Observe os exemplos:

      I read books about New York.
      She reads books about New York.

      O presente simples se forma a partir do infinitivo sem to. A 3ª pessoa do singular (he, she, it) recebe s.


  1. Os verbos terminados em ch, sh, o, ss, x e z  recebem es na 3ª pessoa do singular (he, she, it).

brush- brushes                        dress-dresses
watch- watches                       fix- fixes
go-goes                                   buzz-buzzes

  1. Os verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante trocam o y por ies.
try – tries

  1. O verbo to have tem a forma has para a 3ª pessoa do singular.


            O presente simples é usado para expressar:

            a) verdades universais
                 Parallel lines never cross.

            b) ações habituais.
                 George always reads the newspaper in the morning.

            c) ações planejadas para o futuro.
                  Our train leaves in five minutes.


            As ações habituais são sempre acompanhadas de advérbios de freqüência:

              always                sometimes              every               rarely
              never                  frequently               once a…         usually
              often                   seldom                    twice a…


Observe os exemplos:

            Levi-Strauss invented the blue jeans.
            People danced the rock-and-roll in the fifties.
            Paul worked on a ship last year.

            O passado simples dos verbos regulares é formado acrescentando-se d/ed ao final do verbo.


            1. Os verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante trocam o y por ied.
                        study – studied                                   carry-carried

            2. Os verbos terminados em consoante/vogal/consoante cuja sílaba forte é a última dobram a consoante e depois recebem ed.
                        stop – stopped                     occur - occurred
                        permit – permitted               chat – chatted

            3. Os verbos terminados em consoante/vogal/consoante cuja sílaba forte não é a última não dobram a consoante.
                        listen – listened                   open - opened
                        develop-developed              fasten – fastened


Observe os exemplos:
            The sailors took their habits to many places.
            Young people wore blue jeans.
            Jeans became a symbol of bad

            Os verbos irregulares não seguem nenhuma regra, isto é, cada um tem uma forma própria de passado.


Observe os exemplos:

            Jeans became very popular in the sixties.
            Bob and Tom always worked together.

            O passado simples é usado para expressar:
a) ações acabadas num passado definido (Jeans became popular in the sixties).
b) ações habituais no passado (Bob and Tom always worked...).

            Alguns advérbios de tempo que acompanham o passado simples:
                        yesterday                    in 1960
                        last week                    two years ago
                        last month

Name: ___________________________    Date: _________________


1) Use to be in the present. (1,0 – cada: 0,125)

  1. I ........... a student.
  2. The world ..............a small place.
  3. We ……….important.
  4. Portuguese ………..our official language.
  5. Comunication and travel …….. extremely quick.
  6. You and I ………..Brazilian.
  7. Bob and Mary ……….American.
  8. A jet plane ………. very quick.

2) Add the verb to be in the negative form. (1,0 – cada: 0,2)

1.      These languages ………….. difficult.
2.      Portuguese ………….. the official language in Europe.
3.      That …………….. a jet plane.
4.      I ……….. on vacation.
5.      The candies ………….. in the stove.

3) Change to question form. (1,0 – cada: 0,2)

1.      A telephone  is different from a fax. …………………………………………..
2.      This flat is small ……………………………………………………………….
3.      You are from New Zealand ……………………………………………………
4.      These words are different in American English
5.      This cab is old and slow. ………………………………………………………

4) Supply the verb to be in the past tense (affirmative). (1,0 – cada:0,1)

1.      Mary Ann …………………… my first girlfriend.
2.      I ……………….. in Rio in February.
3.      The cat ………………….sick last week.
4.      We ………………….at John´s house last weekend.
5.      They ………………… on vacation last July.
6.      You ……………….. not a good student two years ago.
7.      Jack and Billl …………………very good friends.
8.      Jack ……………….at school last year.
9.      She …………….. happy with the new dress.
10.  They…………….not in class yesterday.

5) Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses (simple present – affirmative)
(1,0 – cada: 0,2)
1.      I never …………….. (find) my way to the zoo.
2.      She …………………. (go) to the bank on Fridays.
3.      The old lady ……………… (buy) new magazines every week.
4.      The girls ……………… (kiss) their grandmother frequently.
5.      Tom and Mary often …………….. (watch) TV in the evening.

6)  Change to negative form. (1,0 – cada:0,2)

        1. Certain ideas become a fashion hit.
        2. He studies at home every day.
        3. The teacher explains every new word.
        4. They mobilize only the middle classes.
        5. My mother relaxes after lunch.

7) Change to interrogative form. (1,0 – cada:0,2)

1.      You have a rebellious trait in your personality.
       2.    Yongsters take to the streets to protest.
       3.    I develop my creativity.
       4.    Mary claims for justice.
       5.    Bob does all the work in the shop.

8) Supply the simple past of the verbs in parentheses. (1,0 – cada:0,1)

1.      The Genoese sailors ………………. (be) the first to spread the use of heavy cotton pants.
2.      I ……….(see) Janet at John´s party last month.
3.      A twenty-year-old boy………………….(make) a fortune during the Gold Rush.
4.      In the forties jeans ……………………(be) practical and cheap.
5.      In the fifties boys ………………….. (wear) jeans and black boots.
6.      Lee ………….. (come) from Japan two months ago.
7.      I …………….. (become) nervous during the ceremony.
8.      We …………….. (give) a nice present to Mr.Smith yesterday.
9.      My mother …………….. (tell) me a beautiful story last night.
10.   Bob ………………. (see) that film the day before yesterday.

9) Put the sentences into the interrogative (a) and the negative (b). (1,0 – cada: 0,2)

  1. People danced rock-and-roll in the fifties.
a)      …………………………………………………………………………………….
b)      …………………………………………………………………………………….

      2.  Jeans became a synonym of bad.
      a)  ……………………………………………………………………………………..
      b)  ……………………………………………………………………………………..

      3.  Levi-Strauss invented the blue jeans.
      a)  ……………………………………………………………………………………..
      b)  ……………………………………………………………………………………..

      4.  The sailors took their habits to many places.
      a)  ……………………………………………………………………………………..
      b)  ……………………………………………………………………………………..

      5.  John held a roll of canvas at the party.
      a)  ……………………………………………………………………………………..
      b)  ……………………………………………………………………………………..

10. Complete the sentences. (1,0 – cada: 0,2)
       Example: I play tennis now, but I didn´t play it last year.

1. Jeff swims very well now, but …………………………………………………………
2. The girls speak English now, but ………………………………………………………
3. My brother makes his breakfast now, but ……………………………………………...
4. I help the boys now, but ………………………………………………………………..
5. George loves Janet now, but …………………………………………………………...

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