domingo, 17 de julho de 2011

Texto teórico e 1ª Lista de Exercícios_Inglês_9ºano_Junho_2011


    O present continuous tense é usado para expressar uma ação que está acontecendo no momento presente.

                Ex: The students are protesting.
                       Brazil is claiming for justice!

    present continuous = auxiliary verb + main verb
                                   ( to be in the present)   (in the ing form)

1.      Present continuous – affirmative form

I am protesting.
You are protesting.
She    is protesting.
We are protesting.
You are protesting.
They are protesting.

Este tempo verbal é muitas vezes acompanhado de:

1.      advérbios de tempo: now, at present, at this moment etc.
Ex: I´m painting my face now.

2.      frases no imperativo: Look! ; Listen!; Wait! etc.
Ex: Listen! They are singing!

Verbos terminados em um só e perdem este e ao acrescentarmos o ing:
to write – I´m writing a book.
to take – She´s taking a taxi.
Exceção: to be -  It is being painted.

Nos verbos terminados com uma sílaba e terminados em c-v-c (consoante-vogal-consoante), dobramos a consoante final:
to get – It is getting hot.
to run – He is running.

Nos verbos terminados com duas sílabas sendo a última tônica e com final em c-v-c, dobramos a última consoante:
to begin – The rain is beginning.
to admit- I´m admitting these facts.

Nos verbos terminados em ie, substituímos o ie por y + ing:
    to die – He is dying.

2. Present continuous – negative and interrogative forms

They are not painting their faces.

Are they painting their faces?

                Negative                                      Interrogative

I am not painting.                           Am I painting?
You are not  painting.                    Are you painting?
He                                                         he
She is not painting.                         Is   she  painting?
It                                                            it
We are not  painting.                      Are we painting?
You are not  painting.                    Are you painting?
They are not  painting.                   Are they painting?

Na forma interrogativa o auxiliar (to be) antecede o sujeito.


            Empregamos o past continuous tense para descrever uma ação que estava acontecendo quando outra ação ocorreu.
Ex: She was wearing a cape when we saw her.

                 ação que estava                        outra ação
                 acontecendo                             ocorreu

            Também usamos o past continuous para descrever ações que estavam ocorrendo simultaneamente
Ex: She was daydreaming while her mother was working.
                                ações que estavam ocorrendo

past continuous = auxialiary verb + main verb
                             (to be in the past)    (in the ing form)

Past Continuous – affirmative, negative and interrogative forms.

Affirmative                      Negative                               Interrogative
I was working                  I was not working                 Was I working?
You were working          You were not working           Were you working?
He                                    He                                                     he
She was working             She   was not working            Was   she working?
It                                      It                                                        it
We were working           We were not working              Were  we working?
You were working          You were not working            Were   you working?
They were working         They were not working           Were  they working?

1. Contrações: wasn´t: I wasn´t working, etc.
                        weren´t: You weren´t working, etc.
2. O past continuous é freqüentemente usado com conjunções temporais como:
while, as, by the time, when
Ex: As she was resting, she heard a voice.


            O Simple Future expressa ações completas no futuro. Ele é formado pelo verbo auxiliar will (para todas as pessoas) e pelo verbo principal no infinitivo sem to.
Ex: (afirmativa) John will work in an automobile company next year.
            A interrogativa é feita colocando-se o verbo auxiliar will antes do sujeito
Ex: Will John work in an automobile company next year ? 
            A negativa é feita acrescentando-se not ao verbo auxiliar (will not ou won´t).
Ex: John will not/won´t  work in an automobile company next year.
            Nos dois casos, o verbo principal permanece inalterado.


  1. Capacidade: He can swin ten miles a day/ He could swim 10 miles yesterday.
  2. Possibilidade: She can arrive before dinner/She could arrive before dinner yesterday.
  3. Permissão: I can go to the party early/ I could go to the party early last week.
             Could pode ser usado como passado de can.

  1. Obrigação/necessidade: I must study.
  2. Dedução: He goes to England every year. He must be rich.
  3. Proibição: You mustn´t arrive late.

Name: _______________________   Date: ________________


1) Use the present continuous tense. (affirmative)  (1,0 – cada:0,1)

  1. (to protest) We ……………………. in the streets.
  2. (to look) The teacher …………………. at you.
  3. ( to become) English ………………… an international language.
  4. (to translate) I …………………….. the text.
  5. (to begin) Democracy ……………………….
  6. (to emit) That factory ………………………. carbon dioxide.
  7. (to lie) They …………………….! I want the truth…
  8. (to improve) You …………………. your English. Congratulations!
  9. (to sit) You ………………………. on my new jeans!
  10.  (to cut) Sue and Jeff …………………. the cake.

2) Change to negative form. (1,0 – cada: 0,25)

  1. You are thinking about politics.
  1. The boys are going to the shopping-centre now.
  1. She is sitting irreverently.
  1. I am writing a text at the moment.

3) Change to question form. (1,0 – cada: 0,2)

  1. I am choosing the correct answer.
  1. That student is getting good marks.
  1. You are really learning the new words.
  1. Many animal species are dying.
  1. People are claiming for justice.

4) Use the past continuous tense. (1,0 – cada: 0,25)

  1. (to sing/to dance) While Eric Clapton ………………………., Madonna ………………………….
  2. (to daydream/to clean) The girls …………………………… while their mother ……………………………… the house.
  3. (to walk/to watch) While she ……………………. in the forest, wolves …………………….. her.
  4. (to work/to do) I ………………… hard while you …………………… nothing.

5) Change to negative form (1,0 – cada: 0,2)

  1. She was listening to the radio when I turned it off.
  1. The man was protesting when the police arrived.
  1. The baby was crying while his mother was preparing some food.
  1. The boys were smoking behind the tree when the teacher saw them.
  1. The girls were getting dressed when the rain began.

6) Change to interrogative form. (1,0 – cada: 0,2)

  1. Mary was dancing with Rick when she saw her father.
  1. They were beginning to get nervous when you arrived.
  1. The man was dying when they called a doctor.
  1. She was eating vanilla ice-cream when we met.
  1. Those teenagers were claiming for their rights.

7) Supply the simple future tense of the verbs in parentheses. (1,0 – cada:0,1)

  1. Pollution …………………… (increase) a lot next year.
  2. Not many people ……………………….. (travel) by car in the future.
  3. The new project ……………………… (begin) before December.
  4. He ……………………….. (change) the hydraulic system.
  5. Light cars ………………… (save) fuel.
  6. We ………………………. (drive) the new model next week.
  7. Mr. Murray ……………………..(represent) our company during the car show.
  8. Jack …………………….. (solve) the problem in the electric system.
  9. She ……………………… (catch) the midnight train to London.
  10. She ……………………... (arrive) there tomorrow morning.

8) First change to negative and, then, to question form. (1,0 – cada: 0,25)

1.      They can open up a new circle of people.
2.      You can help me with my work.
3.      They could find each other trough Dateline.
4.      Joe can be your partner.

9)  Fill in the blanks using can or must. (1,0 – cada: 0,2)

1.      I ………………study today because I have a test tomorrow.
2.      My sister ………….. play tennis very well.
3.      We …………… wash our clothes; they are very dirty.
4.      My father …………. get up at seven every day because he works in the morning.
5.      Joel …………… swim two kilometers.

10) Supply can or could. (1,0 – cada:0,1)

1.      Paul …………. play the violin when he was young.
2.      We ………….. go to the restaurant after the game today.
3.      I …………… see Jane in the concert last week.
4.      My parents ………….. travel to Italy last year.
5.      ………… you get an invitation for the opera in the afternoon?
6.      ………… she read this book in two days?
7.      They ………….. speak English and French very well.
8.      …………. I help you?
9.      My sister …………… reproduce this score on the piano.
10.  Water ………… turn into ice.

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